Opin, a dynamic, experimental and ethereal trio from Richmond, Virginia, known for their boundary-pushing approach to electronic and indie music. They are currently preparing for the release of their anticipated album VALLEY BOOMBASTIC, which has been in development for several years. This project is being produced in collaboration with Philadelphia-based engineer Jeff Zeigler, known for working with notable artists like Kurt Vile and The War on Drugs.

The group, comprising Landis Wine, Jon Hawkins, and Tori Hovater, thrives on spontaneity, integrating jam sessions into their live performances and recordings. Tracks like BODYWORK developed through improvisational workshops, reflects their focus on capturing raw excitement and evolving ideas. Their shift to a looser structure has redefined their sound as more adventurous and "delicious," according to Hovater.

The band thrives outside the conventional album cycle, regularly releasing singles and mixtapes inspired by the moment, which has allowed them to maintain creative momentum. This innovative approach showcases Opin’s ability to stay versatile and inspired, making the upcoming release of VALLEY BOOMBASTIC one to watch.

Instagram / Bandcamp

